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Best moments of 2022 Karate 1 Premier League coming to WKF YouTube channel

Best moments of 2022 Karate 1 Premier League coming to WKF YouTube channel





Best moments of 2022 Karate 1 Premier League coming to WKF YouTube channel


Best moments of 2022 Karate 1 Premier League coming to WKF YouTube channel
The Best moments of the 2022 Karate 1-Premier League are coming to the WKF YouTube channel!

Fans can enjoy the most outstanding Karate actions of the 2022 edition of the Karate 1-Premier League.

From spectacular Ippon to precise Waza-Ari, to flawless Kata, all the techniques that made the events of 2022 Karate 1-Premier League memorable are available in one video not to be missed by Karate fans.

The video with the highlights of the year reviews the most unforgettable moments of the four events of the season, starting with the opening event in Fujairah (UAE), going to Matosinhos (Portugal), and Rabat (Morocco) and concluding in Baku (Azerbaijan).

CLICK HERE to watch the Best Moments of the 2022 Karate 1-Premier League.
